Dommerregistrering til Macca’s City Cup 2023

Welcome to the 2023 Macca's City Cup Referee Registration Form.

Please fill out the below form. This information will assist tournament staff and referee coordinators to allocate referees to games.

Matches will take place at Casey Fields (160 Berwick - Cranbourne Rd Crabourne East) on Friday 24th March between 5pm and 9pm, Saturday Wednesday 25th March from 9am until 9pm and Sunday 26th March from 9am until 6pm (times are approximates and may vary).

Please indicate your availability across the whole weekend. You can referee anywhere from half a day to all 3 days. The availability screen is on the second page.

Payment will be made via bank transfer 1-2 weeks after the event. please enter you bank details on the form. Please note due to the size of the event (200 teams expected) we cannot pay cash on the day.

Payment rates:
U7-U9 (2 x 15 min halves): $30 per game
U10-11 (2 x 15m): $35 per game
U12-13 (2 x 20m): $40 per game
AWD (2 x 20m): $40 per game
U14-16 (2 x 20m): $45 per game

Please also list your regular level of competition so we can ensure you are appointed to the appropriate level of matches.

Please ensure you bring your official Football Victoria Referee Shirts of various colours.

Please Note:
- Referee NR refers to your FFA Referee ID number
- Clearing Number refers to your BSB number
- Referees residing in Melbourne will not be provided accommodation for this tournament due to it being held in Metro Melbourne. Requests for accomodation for referees from outside of Metro Melbourne may be considered at the discretion of the Australian Football Skool

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Her må du angi dine bankopplysninger. Vi bruker dette for å kunne betale dommerhonorar via bank i etterkant av turneringen.

Velg land først


Her kan du velge hvilke lisenser eller nivåer du har rett til å dømme.



Vennligst les gjennom avtalen nedenfor, og aksepter. Dette er påbudt for å kunne fortsette med registreringen.

Please agree to the following terms and conditions

-Commit to attend all allocated games.
-Be punctual.
-Advise supervisor ASAP if there are any issues or if unable to fulfil any of your games.
-Due to the number of games. Referee payment will be made via bank transfer following the event. No cash will be paid on the day.
-Referees showing any symptons of COVID 19 should not attend the event and notify their referee coordinator immediately.


Hvis turneringen ønsker, har de lov til å vise navnet mitt offentlig, for eksempel for at andre dommere skal velge meg som partner eller i spilltabeller i turneringsspillet

Når du har sendt din påmelding får du mulighet til å velge eventuelle partnere og hvilke tider du kan dømme.